A new concept for structured sparsity in the challenging area of analysis sparse models
What are analysis sparse models?
The standard notion of sparse models is synthesis-based, and assumes that the signal of interest is a linear combination of few columns from a given matrix, the so-called dictionary. Analysis sparse models are an alternative, where an analysis operator multiplies the signal, the use of a (synthesis) dictionary being dropped.
Analysis vs Synthesis (click to enlarge the picture)
The new concept: cosparsity
The cosparse model is a new analysis sparse model. Structured sparsity in analysis sparse models is handled using a union of subspaces model.
See also: Learning Analysis Operators.
- A better understanding of the recovery problem under the cosparse model.
- New uniqueness guarantees in the context of a generic missing data problem (e.g.,
compressed sensing, inpainting, source separation, etc.). - New recovery algorithms that are able to exploit the analysis structure, with performance guarantees.
For details, have a look on the poster presented at the SMALL Workshop on Cosparse Analysis Modeling.
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