Software for reproducibility
The SMALLbox, a test ground framework for sparse representation and dictionary learning.
Implementation of the K-SVD algorithm (training a dictionary to lead to sparse representation) along with some demonstration of its use for denoising.
The Matching Pursuit ToolKit (MPTK)
MPTK provides a fast implementation of the Matching Pursuit algorithm for the sparse decomposition of multichannel signals. It comprises a C++ library, standalone command line utilities, and some scripts for running it and plotting the results through Matlab.
Audio Inpainting toolbox
A new toolbox for new audio applications: inpaint audio like you inpaint images!
GAP (Greedy Analysis Pursuit) is a greedy algorithm to recover cosparse analysis signals from incomplete linear data. It may be loosely considered as the analysis counterpart of the Orthogonal Matching Pursuit algorithm.
GAPn is a version of GAP able to deal with noisy data.
For details on GAPn, see
For details on GAP, see
AGLA (Analysis Greedy Like Algorithms)
A package implementing Greedy-Like Algorithms for the Cosparse Model.
AOL (Analysis Operator Learning) is an alogrithm to learn analysis operator from noiseles data. It may be considered as the analysis couterpart of usual dictionary learning algorithms.
A version of AOL dealing with noise is under development.
For details on AOL :
For details on a noise aware version of AOL :
* Note that this software is automatically downloaded and installed when using the SMALLbox, so it does not need installing separately in this case.