Posters of the Workshop
Felix Krahmer and Rachel Ward - New and improved Johnson-Lindenstrauss embeddings via the Restricted Isometry Property
Mohammad Golbabaei, Simon Arberet, Pierre Vandergheynst - Distributed Compressed Sensing of Hyperspectral images via Blind Source Separation
Ivan Damnjanovic, Matthew Davies and Mark D. Plumbley - Sparse Representations and Dictionary Learning Evaluation Framework – SMALLbox
Michael E. Davies, Michael Elad, Raja Giryes, Rémi Gribonval, and Sangnam Nam - Cosparse Analysis Modeling
Amir ADLER, Valentin EMIYA, Maria JAFARI, Michael ELAD, Rémi GRIBONVAL, Mark PLUMBLEY - Audio inpainting: problem statement, relation with sparse representations and some experiments
Aris Gretsistas and Mark D. Plumbley - Approximate Conjugate Gradient Polytope Faces Pursuit for large scale sparse recovery problems